Friday, October 19, 2012

1 year old!!!!

Emma is two days shy of her 1 year old birthday. She has 8 teeth (4 top/4bottom)! Emma is walking!!!! She will walk with you holding your finger or take a few of her own steps towards you. She takes two naps a day, but her daycare is transitioning her to just one nap a day. Emma has eaten many new things... Ravioli, cake, grilled cheese, hamburger, fish, waffles, etc.
23 pounds and 12.5 ounces was her weight last week. Her 1 year old appt is pushed to November because of our schedule.

It has been a crazy year with her getting sick almost weekly from these daycares. Hopefully her immune system will strengthen this year and protect her from these viruses!

I will definitely post many pictures of her birthday weekend!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

11 months... 29 days closer to Party Time!!!

Emma is 22 pounds. She was close to 25 pounds, but came down with a horrible virus that lasted a few weeks (lots of "stuff" leaving her body-to put it nicely). Anyways, she is back to normal and active as ever!! Emma is now walking parallel to anything she crawls up to and can walk along!!! She even lets go for a moment and stands solo! I can walk holding one of her hands and she will walk with me! She has eaten ravioli, bananas, peaches, spaghetti, English muffins, toast, crackers, potatoes, carrots, oatmeal, rice, eggs, macaroni and cheese, and a little birthday cake from daddy's birthday... She is making many different sounds when she communicates, and has begun shaking her head "no" when she isn't excited about a certain food, situation, or what you have to say! Haha... Not sure she knows what she is doing, but I'm sure you get what I mean. She gets pretty frustrated when she is tired and likes to pinch, grab, and tear at MY skin. She will grasp what she is holding or make a fist and just squeeze as hard as she can, hey, she is just figuring things out, it'll pass!!!!!!!!! Until she is at the terrible twos and possibly all the way until she is a teenager... Haha... On a more serious note she is the best thing that has ever happened to Bo and I and we couldn't be happier. We both look forward to spending as much with her as possible and love her to death! Until next time... 30 short days and the 1 year old blog post!!!!! Many more to come!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Emma banner!!

Still needs ribbon, but this part didn't take long! Only a little over a month until the big day!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy 10 months Emma!!

Emma is growing up so fast!!!!
She has mastered the following:
Clapping, waving, saying "dada", crawling-she is very adventurous, pulling up to stand and walking along the piece of furniture, using her sippy cup, and also has a habit of chewing on her thumb.
Emma has tried many new foods including pickles, turkey meatloaf, pineapple, snow cones, frozen yogurt, and rice cakes!!!

Also forgot to mention she has her 5th tooth, will give kisses, and really likes hummus!!!! Also she has started grabbing you at the waist to give hugs.... Can't wait for more!!!

Emma will be starting a new learning center on September 4th... It is close to home :). She actually started at her old daycare last week because I had to begin working in my classroom! Kids come back next week, ahhhhhhhh!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Birthday Party Essentials!

I found some ladybug birthday items at Arene's party store today! Getting so excited, and now to make a few more banners and order invitations! ;)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Birthday party crafts!!

Here is the bow and a high chair banner I made for Emma's birthday!! Just need to put "I am 1" on her banner.
More to come :)